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Chipotle, Emmaus, and God

Words cannot adequately describe what has happened this last week in Denver.  Sure, phrases like “homelessness”, “soul searching”, and “Chipotle” are some of the first things that come to mind, but really, I think something beyond words happened.

            One day, after a really long and hard day of ministry, we sat down on the grey hotel lobby floor and began talking. Even though it had only been a few days, our conversations were less awkward. We were laughing at inside jokes, eating more fast food than we had in all our lives, and molding into family: a community bonded by experience in Christ.

            The last days of trips are always bittersweet. Before seeing everyone off we reminisced about the ways God showed up, how the trash in Denver is grosser than other parts of the nation, and how skate park ministry is a lot harder than it looks. We talked about how God guides our steps and that hurting people really need the healing power of prayer. 

            Our last teaching summed it all up for us. It was on the Road to Emmaus and how the men did not recognize Jesus at first until they gave thanks to God. Someone asked, “Where did we see God this week without recognizing Him at first?” Hands shot up and so many personal testimonies were told about God helping us as we helped others.

            In the end, it really didn’t matter that we were differing ages, from different states, and had other interests. We were only children, united under the banner of Christ, celebrating the evidence of His resurrection.

            We realized that all week, we had been in the presence of God, and He is beautiful!