We had a great last day of ministry! We did a combination of more work projects (yard work, painting, cleaning) and relational ministry (several of us got to go back to the skate park!). It was great to see all the students still going strong after a long week packed full of ministry. In the evening, before we started the VBS, we served a meal to the families of all the kids we’ve been working with. After the meal, we did our last VBS program with the main focus on the message of the Gospel. We made salvation bracelets with the kids to reiterate and solidify what the Gospel is and what it can mean to them. The students did a great job as usual of loving the kids, and it was hard/sad to say goodbye. Before we left, we were able to bless one kid with a bike! Abe had made a special connection with one of the older kids, Robert, and long story short…we ended up giving him a bike. It was awesome!
After our ministries, we drove to Red Rocks, an amphitheater up in the mountains. We spent some time reflecting on the past week, and then we went to a spot that overlooked Denver to do some worship. Students also shared about what they learned and how God impacted them over the last week. The whole experience was amazing and indescribable! It was a perfect way to end an incredible week of ministry…giving glory to God and praising His name together. We really had a great team that served God faithfully and grew in lots of ways…thanks Tribers for an unforgettable trip!